Top 3 Enterprise Application trend I want to explore in 2021 as a software engineering student.

Sonam Wangmo
3 min readDec 7, 2020


Enterprise application has been in demand eversince the world has moved towards digitalization. Knowing what enterprise application is as a software engineering student is very important. There are many new trends which have excited the whole world be in Augmented reality or be it Artificial Intelligence. With software people have achieved the impossible missions and set a very high expectation on what software can do. Following are the top three trends which have caught my attention and I really want to explore more about it. Let’s get to know why I want to explore it .

  1. Augmented reality

There are some times when the real world becomes so monotonous and you want to experience something new. Augmented reality gives you the opportunity to augment the reality into something that you like and want the reality to be.

AR visual
AR view from the camera vs the real view

Since, me and my friends are doing a small project on AR for our university campus which would basically act as a personal guide for all the people who are new to the university. So i want to learn how to code an AR application and implement it in our new application. We would be using React Framework for the application which i am really excited about.

2. IOT (Internet of Things)

Coming to the very topic which dragged me to choose the Software Engineering course as my major. IOT has always been a topic of interest to me. I have been obsessing about it from the day I got to know about it. How cool would it be to have everything automated and all you have to do is press a button and we cannot deny the fact of the role of IOT in the medical and agricultural field. The progress it has made in the years has been incredible. Knowing how to work with IOT can be very fun and I want to explore how it works and which area can we apply the software.

IOT can be used for almost everything around us.

3. Cybersecurity

After the digitalization. It has become very difficult to secure our data online. The Internet has reached all over the globe and once the information goes there then it is there for the whole world to see. Many firms use security measures to secure their information but the attacks by hackers are sometimes stronger then what was expected leading to many important informations being leaked. Cyber security has always been a subject of curiosity. As the cyber security developer becomes an expert so does the hacker and the race continues.

How cyber security works to protect te data

Enterprise application has been the revolution in the software world where people use it for all the purposes. I hope i will be able to learn more of the above trends and be able to apply it for real life applications in the future.

